The Nicholas Danby Trust
The Trustees work to acquire the funding necessary on a year-to-year basis, and to raise a capital sum adequate to fund the awards in perpetuity. Your generosity would be much appreciated.

If you pay tax in the United Kingdom, a regular donation from you, made under Deed of Covenant, enables the Trust to claim from the Inland Revenue a refund of the tax you have already paid. Full details of the various ways you can give to the Trust are listed on our Donation Form, which can be downloaded by clicking here. Thank you, very much.

The Trustess thank the following sponsors for their generous support:
The Leathersellers' Company
LPA Legal Recruitment
The Oxford Consultancy Partnership
The Caetani-Howard Charitable Trust
The Garfield Weston Foundation
The Mercers' Company

These websites include a link to and the Trustees are happy to return the favour:

Concerts by past and present recipents of the Trust's awards can be found on
TRUSTEES: Stephen Turvey MA ChairmanCherry James MA LLM PhD Secretary & Treasurer
Margaret Danby AGSM FRSAJames O'Donnell KCSG MA FRCOPatrick Russill MA HonRAM HonFRCO
Peter Wright MA FRCOBarry Woodman FRICSMary Danby CalvertClare Caswell BA PGCE